User's Guide

The Mandarin Click by Click Advantage


I don’t know you personally, I can’t say with a hundred percent accuracy that you will master Chinese, and I don’t know how persistent you are, but I can say these things.


This online Chinese course will have you speaking Mandarin immediately.


You won’t spend time hearing the teachers talk in this online Chinese course. They don’t need the practice. YOU do. You will be doing the talking.

Will you succeed?  All you need is an internet connection and a tendency to want to finish things you start to succeed in the online Mandarin course.
In this very interactive online Chinese course, you are click-talk, click-talk, click-talking yourself through to mastery.
In this online Mandarin course,  the teacher says what you want to learn as many or as few times as YOU want to CLICK.
Every lesson in this online Chinese course is divided into small modules. To start up again, just listen to model s on the last page you used and start up where you left off.
Join now to learn how to — one, two, three - order a drink in Chinese.


The Mandarin Click-by-Click Advantage



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